Monday, May 4, 2009

The Lovely Bones

I've read Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones before but it's been a few years so I'm reading it again. I forgot how incredibly chilling and disturbing the first few chapters are, but she really is an unbelievable writer. She nails her narrators perspective, that of a fourteen year old girl, and she does such a good job of providing the reader with her other characters' emotions and thoughts, very realistic and honest ones. Humbling and tearjerking, it's a beautiful book! Perhaps even my favorite of all time.

Read this before DEC 11, 2009! They're making a movie! I can't wait to see how that turns out. I think it could be absolutely amazing if made right, but typically the movie doesn't even compare to the book. The movie stars Mark Wahlberg and Rachel Weisz as the Salmons and a girl I've never heard of as Susie. How do you think the movie will be??


Colby Mann said...

Kaitlynn, couldn't agree more. Lovely Bones is fantastic. Have you ever read Alice Sebold's "Lucky"? It's a memoir about what happened to her when she was younger, truly heartbreaking.

Regarding the film, it's directed by Peter Jackson - so expect to be crying from start to finish. Also, that girl is from Atonement, a movie I sure hope you've seen!

-Colby Mann

P.S. Jodi Picoult is one of the best, it made me smile to see Sister's Keeper on your "shelf"

Kaitlynn said...

Haha ohh colby, I should have you as my film/movie expert on here! I saw Atonement but I don't remember the girl for some reason. I haven't read Lucky yet, but I want to. I just finished reading her book The Almost Moon. I'm excited for the movie! Good to hear from you :) and I'm glad you read Jodi Picoult, so good! hope all is well. I still know one day I'll be seeing you at the Oscars ;)