Friday, December 19, 2008

Snowed In

whew... ive been so busy lately i feel like i haven't had a second to sit down and write. i'm working a lot to try to save up for italy, it's goingggg ok. i've been up every day this week at 7am to work at the mall, which each day proves to be more and more of a challenge because i constantly "remember" things i "forgot" to buy for christmas and, oh, how convenient, im at the mall! But I'm sure you can imagine that working 8-10 hours sitting in one spot with nothing to do could get boring. Wednesday AM there was a snowstorm so on my way into work I passed about 6 accidents and was stuck in traffic for 2 1/2 hours. I didn't make it to the mall til 10:30, woops! I did make it on time Thurs. though. Then today I babysat from 12-5. Again this evening a blizzard came through, and is actually still going on. I think we're getting about 1 foot of snow. It's really pretty beautiful out, with all the powdery white snow, and everyone's xmas lights on. I love it, but the roads are pretty bad. Merlin can't decide if he likes the snow or not. Actually, I think he likes it when it's on the ground but not when it's falling from the sky.. or so it seems. My sister Lindsey is staying with me right now. The rest of my family's in Florida because of the ice storm which I'll write more about in another post. Tonight we made black bean and rice burritos with guac & pico de gallo for dinner. We just hung out in the living room all night snuggled in blankets with Merlin. He saw a preview for Marley & Me on TV and went crazy. He was literally laying there sleeping and must've seen the dog out of the corner of his eye. He sat up and started watching, then barked when the dog on tv barked, ran up to the screen and barked more, then ran back to the couch and kept watching. It was too funny, I replayed the commercial and caught him doing it again on video. I'll put it on here. Ciao!

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