Saturday, December 20, 2008

Week of the Ice Storm

We had an icestorm last week. It knocked out the power all across the state. I was really lucky not to lose power at my apartment at all. We lost cable & internet for about 10 hours, so we really escaped the brunt of the storm. However, my parents live in a town of 6000 and they're fixing the power based on population so it took them a while to get theirs back. They lost a lot of really beautiful birch, lilac and apple trees at the house which is a bummer. Luckily they have a couple of fireplaces and were sleeping in a room with one but they were running out of wood and the rest of the house was absolutely freezing. It took a week to get power. In the meantime they decided to take off to our house in FL since my brother's school was cancelled all week. My sister and I had exams and work so my sister stayed with me. We went out to dinner on Monday at an amazing organic flatbread restaurant. It was so good. We got a flatbread with homemade pepperoni and muchrooms on it. The restaurant had a huge brick oven so it was nice and warm, and there was live music. That AM was in the 50's, bizarrely, so Josh and I brought Merlin to the dog park for almost 2 hours. He had a blast and was exhausted afterwards. Tuesday my girlfriends came over for a brunch. It was really good to see everyone. We had Finnish Pancakes. It's a recipe I've been making since I was about ten, and they're so good, I could never get sick of them.

Finnish Pancake Recipe:
(Serves 10)

1/2 cup butter

6 eggs

4 cups milk

1 1/2 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Heat oven to 425. Melt butter in 9x13 glass pan. Mix all ingredients together in bowl and once butter is melted pour ingredients into glass pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until fluffy and golden. Let cool for 5-10 minutes, cut into squares, and then eat with maple syrup on top. You won't regret it.

Josh left town Weds AM for NJ and then Minnesota. He's visiting home before xmas so that he can spend xmas up here, yay! Wednesday night Lindsey and I went out to a great Italian restaurant and had fettucini carbonara, and Thursday we got flatbread to go and wrapped xmas presents at home with the cutest wrapping paper. Lastnight, as I wrote before, we got a ton of snow. Probably over a foot. I went out and bought a shovel so Merlin would go outside, but before I shoveled I got a video of him outside. Our cars were all plowed in. Luckily my Jeep is pretty good in the snow. Linds and I went to Ihop for breakfast mm mmm. It's been a nice, snowy week :)

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